당신을 살찌게 하는 집안환경 10가지
10 Signs Your House Is Making You Fat
by Jessica Migala
절제력을 가지고 생활해도 집안의 환경이 받쳐주지 않으면 다이어트 결심은 쉽게 무너질수 있다.
다음 당신의 집안이 어떠한가를 곱씹어 보세요^^
1.집안에 음식이 넘쳐난다 /Your cabinets are overflowing
가공음식들이 집안 곳곳에 널려 있으면 당연히 필요이상 먹게 된다.
If your cabinets are so stuffed that you need to put food on your counters, fridge, or exposed shelving, you're setting yourself up to trigger a craving. "A bag of potato chips or candy out in the open will put the food on your radar when you walk by. The minute you see that visual cue, you want it," says Pagoto.
2.사과가 냉장고에 그대로 있네 /Your apples are in the fridge
사과는 무조건 먹어라! 냉장고에 있을 필요가 없다
On the other hand, if healthy food is hidden, you're less likely to eat it. That's especially true if you keep fruits that don't need to be refrigerated (like apples or pears) or whole veggies tucked away in the crisper drawers. When you're busy, it's faster to rip open a bag of chips than cut crudités.
3.집안온도가 너무 높다 /Your thermostat is set too high
집안, 사무실, 차안 등 당신이 움직이는 동선의 환경이 모두 따뜻하면 신진대사가 활발하지 않아 살찌기 쉽다
The fact that you can go anywhere—your home, the office, a store—and the temperature is set at somewhere-in-the-70s comfortable is a surprising contributor to obesity, say experts. Your body simply doesn't have to work to expend energy to warm itself up, suggests a 2014 study in Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism. The result: your metabolism sputters.
4.운동기구가 집안에 방치되어 있다 /Your exercise equipment is undercover
방치하지 말고 운동기구를 살때 초심으로 돌아가 집안일을 하면서 짬짬이 운동하라~~
"Everyone wants to hide exercise equipment in case of unexpected guests. But how often does that really happen?" says Dr. Pagoto. Or, we hide it in rooms we don't want to go in, like the basement. "When your option is to go on a treadmill covered in spider webs or sit on a big comfy couch in front of the TV, it's not surprising you choose TV," she says.
5.주위에 절제력 갖춘 친구를 두라 /You're inviting the wrong people over
친구따라 강남가듯이~ 절제력없이 마구 먹는 친구가 있다면 결국 친구따라 먹게 되듯이, 절제하는 친구가 있으면 당연 좋은 영향을 미치게된다.
"Look at who your friends are," says James O. Hill, PhD, director of the Colorado Nutrition Obesity Research Center. "You're going to behave similarly to the people you spend time with." If your friends are more the type to sit around and drink beer and eat chips, then you will be, too.
6.집안이 어둡고 침침하다 /Your lights are too dim
아침에 일어날 때 어두침침하면 식욕억제호르몬인 랩틴수치가 낮아져 정크푸드(기름진음식)을 찾게 된다.
When you don't get enough sleep, your body scrambles hormone levels that control hunger, making you crave junk food. In one International Journal of Endocrinology study, sleep-deprived adults who were exposed to dim light in the morning had lower concentrations of the fullness hormone leptin, while those in blue light (the kind from energy-efficient bulbs) had higher leptin levels.
7.식탁에 음식들이 널려져 있다 /You serve food at the dinner table
It's easy to take an extra scoop of mashed potatoes or pasta when all you have to do is reach across the table to get it—even when you're not really hungry.
8.저녁에 집안이 지나치게 안락하다 /Your home is too cozy in the evening
저녁식사후 너무 안락하고 포근하면 바로 잠들 확률이 높아진다.
You come home, put on sweats, eat dinner, and cozy up on your couch for the night with reality TV. Getting into that sleepy, sedentary, restful mode means you're starting nighttime before its nighttime, says Dr. Pagoto.
9.지나치게 TV시청 한다 /You've got too many screens
많은 연구에서 TV시청할 때 폭식하게 된다는 증거는 많다.
More TV watching is associated with a greater risk of being overweight or obese. "Screen time is sedentary time," says Dr. Hill. Besides, most of us watch things we don't really like simply to fill up time.
10.접시와 그릇이 넘 크다 /Your plates and bowls are huge
접시가 크면 그만큼 음식을 많이 담게 된다. 코넬대학연구에서 큰접시를 사용하면 칼로리 섭취가 44% 늘어나는 것으로 밝혀졌다.
Plates that are as big as platters, wine glasses that are goblets, and bowls that may as well be troughs—these large serving dishes play a trick on you: you subconsciously want to fill the space, so you wind up dishing out more. Case in point: additional Cornell research found that adults and kids poured more cereal into large bowls and consumed 44% more calories.
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