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[스크랩] 당신을 죽일수있는 13가지 독풀

by 크리에이터 정관진 2014. 4. 30.



13 plants that could kill you

당신을 죽일수있는 13가지 독풀


Deadly plants           


수천년을 거쳐 먹울수 있는 식물인지 아닌지를 경험적으로 터득하여 왔어다.

지금도 들이나 산에서 먹어서는 안되는 위험한 식물들이 자라고 있어요

꼭 주의깊게 살펴보아야만 합니다 





Apples 사과씨앗    

사과씨앗에는 시안화수소배당체를 함유하고 있어 만약 씨앗을 먹으면 위험하고 특히 어린아이들은 절대 먹지않게 조심하여야 한다.       

An apple a day might keep the doctor away, but the same can't be said for apple seeds. The seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides, and if you consume enough of the seeds, you could ingest a fatal dose. If you cut up apples for your children or prefer to eat whole apples down to the core, make sure you remove those seeds.

 their foliage — that can be harmful. In particular, humans and pets should avoid potato and tomato foliage and

vines in the garden.





Deadly nightshade 가지과류          

치명적인 가지과식물의 잎이 독성을 가지고 있다는 사실은 일반인들은 잘 모른다.

감자잎,토마토잎,가지잎,칠리고추잎 등 잎사귀에 독성이 있어 섭취하면 안된다. 

The name says it all — both the foliage and the berries of this plant are extremely toxic. Deadly nightshade has a long, colorful history of use as a poison, but what many people don't realize is that the nightshade family includes common food plants, including potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and chili peppers. In fact, all of these plants contain toxins — usually in their foliage — that can be harmful. In particular, humans and pets should avoid potato and tomato foliage and vines in the garden.





Rosary pea 로자리콩          

This plant may sound pious, but it's actually deadly. Rosary peas got their name from their traditional use as ornamental beads for rosaries. They are used in jewelry around the world. Many jewelry makers have died after pricking a finger while handling a rosary pea. The poison contained within the seed is abrin — a close relative of ricin and one of the most fatal toxins on Earth. 






Oleander  서양협죽도         

Oleander is one of the most toxic, commonly grown garden plants in the world — and oddly enough, it's often found in schoolyards. Ingesting any part of this plant can be deadly, especially for children. Even smoke from burning oleander can be fatal. In fact, according to the Toxic Exposure Surveillance System (TESS), there were 847 known human poisonings in the United States related to oleander in 2002.





European yew 유럽 주목           

Relatively common in Europe, northwest Africa and the Middle East, nearly all parts of this slow-growing tree can be poisonous. The exception is the red fleshy aril that surrounds the toxic seeds. The aril is frequently eaten by birds. Some people have chosen to commit suicide by ingesting the leaves or the seeds, both of which contain a poison called taxanes






Daffodils  나팔수선화  


Prized for their beauty, daffodils grow from bulbs that could be mistaken for an edible food, like an onion. Daffodils — also known by their Latin name Narcissus — are common ornamental plants with a bright, cheery and mostly toxin-free flower. Most daffodils are deer- and vermin-resistant, but gardeners shouldn't overlook the dark side of this plant. The Greek philosopher Socrates sometimes referred to daffodils as the "Chaplet of the infernal Gods" because of the plant's numbing effect.






Doll's Eye 인형눈           

It's a good thing the creepy-looking berries of this plant aren't enticing, because consuming the fruit of a doll's eye plant (or white baneberry) could kill you. The berries contain cardiogenic toxins that can have an immediate sedative effect on cardiac muscle tissue. Ingestion of the berries can lead to cardiac arrest and death.





Hemlock 독미나리         

소크라데스가 먹은 사약이  독미나리 였다.

소크라테스에게 묻기를 발이 차오느냐고 하자 소크라테스는 태연하게 발끝에서부터 점점 차가워지고 있고 점점 가슴쪽으로 다가오고 있다고 대답했다.  이 햄록(전초)에는 Alkaloid가 0.01∼0.04%들어 있고 주성분은 conhydrine등이 들어 있다.

This is one of the most famous poisonous plants in history — it's the flora responsible for killing Socrates. All parts of the plant contain the relatively simple alkaloid coniine which causes stomach pains, vomiting and progressive paralysis of the central nervous system. Hemlock is also known by several common names, including devil's porridge, beaver poison or poison parsley




Stinging tree 쇄기풀족           

Found in forests in Queensland in Australia and Indonesia, Dendrocnide moroides is the deadliest and most potent stinging nettle in the world. Accidentally brushing past any part of this plant can deliver a potent toxin that will cause a painful stinging sensation lasting for days or even months. A severe sting from this plant has been known to kill humans, and it is certainly deadly to pigs, horses, dogs and most other animals.




Castor beans 아주까리씨앗           

 리신은 아주까리(피마자)[castor bean, (Ricinus communis)]씨에서 추출되는 것으로 0.001g 정도의 소량으로도 성인을 사망에 이르게 할 수 있는 독성물질이다. 미 질병관리예방센터[U.S. Centers for Disease Control]는 인간에 주사하거나 흡입하였을 경우 치사량이 500 마이크로그램(소금 한 조각 크기 정도) 정도.

If you have consumed castor oil before, you might be surprised to learn that castor beans contain one of the most poisonous substances in the world, ricin. Just one castor bean has enough ricin to kill an adult within a few minutes. Despite this grim quality, castor bean plants are frequently grown for decorative purposes.



Angel's trumpet 천사의 나팔꽃          

천사의 나팔꽃는 기분전환용 약제로 사용되기도 하지만 많이 섭취하면 치명적인 결과를 초래한다.

Angel's trumpet are woody-stemmed bushes with pendulous flowers that hang like bells. They are prized as decorative additions to the garden because of their elegant flowers. The catch is that all parts of these plants contain dangerous levels of poison and may be fatal if ingested by humans or animals. Angel's trumpets have occasionally been used to create a recreation drug, but the risk of overdose is so high that these uses often have deadly consequences.




Monkshood 투구꽃           

투구꽃은 전통적으로 치명적인 독성때문에 사약으로 사용되어 왔다. 

Monkshood has a long tradition as a deadly plant and was used by ancient warriors to poison the water of their enemies. It was once used as a popular werewolf-detection tool. The flower was held near the alleged wolf’s chin, and if a yellow-tinged shadow appeared, that was confirmation that the person was a werewolf. 





White snakeroot 흰뱀풀         


White snakeroot contains the toxin tremetol, which can be poisonous if consumed directly or second-hand. When snakeroot is consumed by cattle, the animals' beef and milk become contaminated with the toxin, and ingesting those substances can lead to a condition called milk sickness. Abraham Lincoln's mother, Nancy Hanks, reportedly died after swallowing snakeroot-contaminated milk. Human disease is uncommon today because of current practices of animal husbandry and the pooling of milk from many producers, but milk sickness does still occur.


출처 : 한국식약연구소
글쓴이 : 한국식약연구소 원글보기
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