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[스크랩] 집에서 감기치료해요!!

by 크리에이터 정관진 2016. 1. 14.



집에서 감기치료해요!!

Treat Your Cold at Home

겨울에 10명중 1명꼴로 찾아오는 감기의 계절입니다.


미국 건강의료잡지 "헬스라인"에서 권하는 방법들은
우리에게도 익숙한 것들이 있어 쉽게 다가옵니다.생강을 곁들인 꿀차는 감기예방에 최고로 <한국식약연구소>도 수차례 권장한바 있어요.


재밋는 건 소금물로 입안을 행구는건 우리 부모님 세대에 해온 방법중 하나인에 의학적인 이유가 여기에 있었네요~~ 지난번에도 명시했듯이 감기는 약으로 치료가 되질 않습니다.


생강뿌리의 건강에 미치는 이로운점과 치료적 효과는 수백년을 이어오고 있다.

뿌리를 얇게 썰어 물과 끓여 마시면 기침과 목구멍의 쓰라림을 완화해준다.또한 독감에 동반되는 구토증세도 완화한다.

The health benefits of ginger root have been used for centuries, but now they have proof of its curative properties. A few slices of raw ginger root in some boiling water may help soothe a cough or a sore throat, but it will also ward off the feelings of nausea that so often accompany influenza. Several studies, including one in the British Journal of Anesthesia, report that just one gram of ginger can “alleviate clinical nausea of diverse causes.”




레몬을 곁들인 꿀차는 목구멍 통증을 달래주며, 기침을 억제하게 한다.

최근 '소아과'연구에서 잠자기전 10g꿀물을 마시면 어린이의 기침증세가 완화된다고 밝혔다.

한편 꿀은 다양한 항균성과 살균성의 성분을 갖고 있다.

Honey in tea with lemon can ease sore throat pain, but new evidence reveals that honey is an effective cough suppressant. A recent study published in Pediatrics revealed that 10 grams of honey given at bedtime reduced the severity of cough symptoms in children. In addition to quieting their cough, the children in the study reportedly slept more soundly, which also helps reduce cold symptoms. In general, honey has a variety of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. However, never administer honey to a child younger than one year. Honey often contains botulinum spores, and while this is harmless to adults and older children, infants’ immune systems are not able to fight off the bacteria.



당신의 식단에 마늘을 추가해서 먹으면 심각한 감기증상을 줄여줄뿐아니라 초기에 감기를 예방할수도 있다.

마늘의 알리신 성분이 여러가지 바이러스와 박테리아의 증식을 막아준다.

Adding a garlic supplement to your diet might not only reduce the severity of cold symptoms, it may also keep you from getting sick in the first place. Garlic contains the compound allicin, which blocks the enzymes that contribute to the development of a variety of bacterial and viral infections. While it is not yet known if just taking a garlic supplement at the start of a cold will reduce symptoms, it’s generally a good idea to include ample garlic in the diet, especially during cold and flu season


4.소금물/Salt Water

미국예방의학저널에 따르면, 소금물로 가글을 하면 상기도감염(upper respiratory infections기침,콧물,재치기,코막힘)과 다른 증상도 완화시켜준다.

소금물 가글하면 목구멍 아픔, 코막힘,점액을 줄여준다.

According the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, gargling with salt water can help prevent upper respiratory infections, as well as decrease the severity of their symptoms. Using a saline solution may also ease sore throat pain and nasal congestion. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a full glass of water and then swish it around your mouth and throat before spitting it out. Gargling with salt water reduces and loosens mucus, which can then expel bacteria and allergens from the body. If you use salt water in a neti pot for nasal congestion, use water that has been boiled first—and subsequently cooled—in order to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria.



에키네시아는 북미의 다년생 국화과 허브식물로 전통적으로 전염병 치료제로 쓰여왔다.

최근에는 에키네시아가 감가와 인프루엔자 감염기간을 줄여주는데 효과적이라는 연구결과가 있다.

하루에 1~2g 뿌리 또는 허브를 차로 마시면 건강에 유익하고 감기 예방에도 좋다.

Native Americans have used the herb and root of the Echinacea plant to treat infections for more than 400 years. Recent studies also support that herb’s effectiveness at reducing the duration of common cold and flu symptoms. Its active ingredients include flavonoids, chemicals that have many therapeutic effects on the body, including the ability to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. Otherwise healthy adults may take 1-2 grams of Echinacea root or herb as a tea three times daily, but not for longer than one week.


6.비타민C/Vitamin C

레몬,라임,오렌지와 푸른채소에 많이 함유한 비타민C를 꿀과 함께 따뜻하게 차로 마시면 가래를 삭혀주고, 감기증상을 완화시켜준다.

The many health benefits of vitamin C means you should always get enough lemons, limes, oranges, and greens in your diet. Adding fresh lemon juice to hot tea with honey or hydrating with hot or cold lemonade can help to reduce phlegm. While drinking lemonade or hot tea with lemon may not lesson cold symptoms to a remarkable degree, studies report that including at least 500 mgs of vitamin C in your daily diet boosts the body’s immune system, therefore reducing exposure to infection. In the study, people under stress, such as athletes, experienced the greatest health benefits from vitamin C.



7.닭고기 수프/Chicken Soup

야채를 곁들인 닭고기수프는 서양에서는 전통적으로 감기완화에 먹었다.닭고기 수프를 먹으면 혈액내 백혈구의 호중구 속도가 느려져 오래머무르면서 감염으로부터 신체를 보호한다.

Your grandmother was right: chicken soup is the ultimate cure-all. Research published in the medical journal Chest suggests that enjoying a bowl of steamy chicken soup and vegetables, whether prepared from scratch or warmed from a can, can actually slow the movement of neutrophils, the common white blood cells that protect the body from infection. By slowing that movement, the neutrophils can stay concentrated in areas of the body that require the most healing. Researchers found that chicken soup was most effective in reducing upper respiratory infections, but low-sodium soup carries great nutritional value and helps keep you hydrated





건조한 환경에서 감기인프루엔자는 쉽게 번성하고 빨리 번진다.

특히 건조한 겨울날씨, 집안에 가습기(차가운 물)를 작동하여 습기를 높히면 코막힘을 뚫어주고 편안하게 숨쉴수 있다. 가습기에 유칼립투수오일을 첨가하면 더 좋다.

Influenza thrives and transfers easier in dry environments, so decrease your exposure by creating more humidity in your home. Temporarily adding a cool-mist humidifier in the bedroom may make a sick person more comfortable, especially in winter, when dry indoor heat can easily exacerbate symptoms. Increased humidity can reduce nasal inflammation, making it easier to breathe. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil might also stimulate breathing. (Remember, the water used in humidifiers needs to be changed daily to avoid fungi and molds. For the same effect without a humidifier, take a long shower or linger in a steamy bathroom.)


9.따뜻한목욕/Warm Baths

감기든 아이들에 물기적신 스폰지로 닦아주면 열을 내리게 한다.한편 어른들은 따뜻한 물에 목욕하면 된다.

목욕물에 에센스오일을 첨가하거나 엡솜소금과 베이킹소다를 넣으면 몸을 리렉스하게 한다.

You can reduce a child’s fever by giving him or her a warm sponge bath, but warm baths are also useful to reduce cold and flu symptoms in adults. Adding one box of Epsom salt and one box of baking soda to the water can also help reduce body aches, especially with the addition of a few drops of essential oil. Recommended oils include tea tree, juniper, rosemary, thyme, orange, lavender, and eucalyptus

출처 : 한국식약연구소
글쓴이 : 한국식약연구소 원글보기
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