22 Surprising Uses of Salt
놀라운 22가지 소금 활용,,
건강전문가들은 소금을 흰색독약, 킬러라고 칭하며 많이 섭취하지 말것을 권유합니다
그러나, 소금이 없으면 생명체는 살아갈수 없죠!!
여기 소금의 여러가지 쓰임새를 소개합니다.
(여기에서 소금은 쓰다남거나 오래된 소금을 재활용하면 됩니다.)
Health experts sometimes call it white poison, or white killer and you know that eating too much salt is unhealthy for you… But is it? Salt has all kinds of uses around the house! From the beauty routine to cleaning, salt can really come in help.
1.부은 눈탱이에 진정효과 /Soothe puffy eyes
미지근한 소금물을 수건에 적셔 부은 눈주위를 눌러주면 좋다.
Soak a cloth in one cup warm water that has a half teaspoon of salt dissolved in it to make a compress for tired eyes.
2.각질제거 /Exfoliate
샤워나 목욕후에 소금물로 무릅,팔꿈치등 건조한 부위의 죽은 피부를 제거한다.
After a shower or bath, use plain old salt to slough off dead skin from your dry areas like your knees, elbows, feed or.
3.홈메이드 얼굴마사지 /Homemade facial
올리브오일에 소량의 소금을 섞어 얼굴, 목부위를 마사지한후 비눗물로 씻어내면 윤기가 난다.
Mix one part salt with one part olive oil and massage into your face and neck. Wash off with water and soap and admire your glowing skin.
4.솔트 스크럽 /Salt Scrub
약간의 올리브오일에 굵은 소금을 섞으면 에센스오일로 사용할수 있다.
Combination of a coarse salt with a little bit of olive oil will do your favorite essential oils for a decadent salt scrub.
5. 치아를 하얗게 /White teeth
소금1 + 베이킹소다2 는 치아를 하얗게 할뿐아니라 잇몸건강에도 좋다.
A mixture of one part salt and two parts baking soda can not only whiten your teeth but help promote healthy gums by getting rid of built up plaque. This mixture is very abrasive for using daily, so do this treatment only occasionally.
6.소금물 목욕으로 긴장완화 /Relax in a salt bath
A couple of salt cups in the tub help relax your sore muscles. You can increase the ante by adding some soothing essential oils.
7.비듬을 없앤다 /Fight Dandruff
시중의 비듬제거 샴푸는 대부분 화학제품들이다. 샤워하기전 소금물로 머리를 행구면 된다.
Who needs dandruff shampoo packed with chemical? Before your next shower, massage your head with salt to remove those dead skin cells and then wash your hair with your usual shampoo.
8.바스붐을 만들라 /Make a Bath Bomb
값비싼 엠손솔트 대신 집에서 바스붐 레시피를 인터넷등으로 검색하여 만들면 된다.
Check out the recipe for homemade bath bombs with Epsom salts instead of shelling out big bucks for all natural bath bombs.
9.놋쇠제품을 깔끔하게 /Cleaning Brass
흰밀가루1 + 소금1 + 식초1 = 으로 놋쇠그릇을 문지른 다음 20분후에 천으로 딲으면 끝
Combine one cup each of white flour, salt and white vinegar. After you scrub the brass with it, let it sit for 20 minutes, then wipe off with a damp cloth.
10.카페트 기름기 제거 /Get Grease out of Carpet
소금1 + 알콜4 = 카페트에 붓고 가볍게 문지르면 된다.
Mix one cup salt with four cups alcohol to gently scrub grease out of carpets and rugs.
11.레드와인 얼룩 제거 /Stop Wine Stains
레드와인 얼룩이 묻으면 소금물에 담근다음 건져 말린다음 찬물에 행군다.
Did you spill the glass of red all over the rug or tablecloth? Blot up what you can with a rag and then pour on the salt to soak up the remaining drops. When the salt is dry, rinse it with cold water and vacuum.
12.Get Rid of Condensation Rings on Wood
Add a little bit of salt to light oil, such as sunflower oil and gently massage away those ugly white rings left from cold glasses.
13.스폰지를 오래 사용하게 만든다 /Make Long Lasting Sponges
한줌의 차가운 소금물에 스폰지를 담그면, 수명이 오래간다.
Soak the sponge in cold water with a handful of salt to prolong and extend its life.
14.철조각 제거하기 /Clean Your Iron
철조각이 당신에 붙어있다면? 소금을 종이위헤 뿌린다음 철조각 위에 갖다대면 제거된다.
Is your iron a bit sticky? Sprinkle some salt onto a piece of paper and iron over it on low to clean it off.
15.수족관 청소하기 /Clean the Fish Tank
반드시 (요오드없는)소금을 수족관 내부를 문지르면 깨끗하게 청소된다.
Non iodized salt is a great scrub for the inside of your fish tank. Just be sure to rinse it well before refilling. Do not forget to use non iodized salt.
16.잡초 제거 /Prevent Weeds
테라스 타일 사이로 난 잡초를 제거할때는 뜸새로 소금을 뿌리면 끝
Are you noticing weeds popping up between your patio tiles? Pour salt into those crevices to keep them away naturally
17.기름때 후라이팬 딲기 /Clean Greasy Pans
레몬조각에 소금을 뿌린후 문지르면 깨끗해 진다.
Slice one lemon in half, sprinkle on some salt, and marvel at the grease cutting power.
18.커피,녹차 얼룩 지우기 /Get Out Tea and Coffee Stains
커피,녹차로 얼룩진 머그잔을 소금으로 문지르면 얼룩이 깨끗이 제거된다,
Is your favorite mug looking a little dirty? Rub the tea or coffee stains with salt to buff them away.
19.냉장고 청소 /Clean the Fridge
탄산수+소금= 냉동고속 때를 문지르면 기름때뿐아니라 냄새도 동시에 제거된다.
Next time you clean out your fridge, use a mixture of seltzer and salt to scrub the inside. This scrub will remove grease and stains and cut odors at the same time.
20.부엌 싱크대 탈취하기 /Deodorize Kitchen Sink
소금2+끓은물1 = 부엌 싱크대에 부으면 ㅋ퀘퀘한 냄새 제거된다.
Pour one cup salt and one half cups boiling water down the kitchen sink for busting up small clogs and busting odors.
21.재단한 널판지를 매끄럽게 /Scouring Cutting Boards
You can use the half lemon for greasy pans to clean your cutting board.
22.은제품을 빛나게 /Get the Tarnish off of Silverware
때묻은 은제품을 소금을 헝겁에 뿌린후 문지르면 빛나게 된다.
To make your silverware shiny again scrub with a dry rag and salt.
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