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[스크랩] 여성이 남성보다 오래사는 5가지 이유

by 크리에이터 정관진 2015. 11. 12.




여성이 남성보다 오래사는 5가지 이유

5 Reasons Women Live Longer Than Men






1. 여성은 자궁 속에서부터  더 강인하다.Females are tougher in utero

태아로 보면 남성 숫자는 여성보다 2.5배가량 많다. 하지만 남아는 태내 감염 등 질병에 취약해 태어날 때면 남녀 비율이 1대 1에 가까워진다. 남아는 또한 태내에서의 성장이 여아에 비해 늦다.

Two and a half as many boys are conceived as girls, Dr. Legato says, but they’re so much more likely to succumb to prenatal infection or other issues in the womb that by the time they’re born, the ratio is close to one to one. “They’re also slower to develop physically than girls prenatally, which means they’re more likely to die if they are preemies due to underdeveloped lung or brain development,” Dr. Legato explains.



2. 여성은 무모하지 않다. Women are less likely to be daredevils

남성의 사망 원인 가운데 3번째가 사고사다. 여성에게 있어 6번째에 해당하는 요인이다. 이는 생물학적 차이 때문이다. 남성은 위험을 계산하는 전두엽이 여성보다 늦게 발달한다.


The result: Guys often take many more risks (which you probably already realize if your small son has taken one too many spins off his bike handlebars). “Almost inevitably, a male will take risks that a woman of his same age wouldn’t take,” Dr. Legato says.



3. 여성은 심장병 발병 시기가  늦다. Women succumb to heart disease later

여성은 남성보다 심장병 발병 시기가 10년가량 늦다.

Heart disease is the leading killer of both men and women, but men are more likely to develop it—and die from it—as early as their 30s and 40s. Women, on the other hand, typically develop heart disease 10 years later than men. They’re protected from it until menopause, since their bodies churn out estrogen, which helps keep arteries strong and flexible, says Dr. Legato.


4. 여성은 사교성이 좋다. Women have stronger social networks

친구는 좋은 약이다. 2010년 브리검영 대학의 연구 결과를 보면 친구가 많은 사람은 그렇지 못한 사람에 비해 사망할 확률이 50%가량 낮다
많은 남성이 스트레스와 걱정을 가슴에 담아두고 산다

Friends make good medicine: People with strong social connections have a 50% lower chance of dying than those with few social ties, according to a 2010 study at Brigham Young University. “Most men tend to hold their stress and worries close to their chest, while women tend to reach out and talk to others,” Dr. Legato explains. The one exception: married men, which also explains why so many studies show that they’re likely to be healthier and live longer.



5. 여성은 남성보다 건강을 잘 챙긴다. Women take better care of their health

미국의 통계지만 지난해 의사를 찾아간 남성의 비율은 여성보다 24% 낮았다.

Men are 24% less likely than women to have visited a doctor within the past year and are 22% more likely to skip out on cholesterol testing, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. In fact more than a quarter (28%) of men don’t have a regular physician and about one in five didn’t have health insurance in 2012, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

출처 : 한국식약연구소
글쓴이 : 한국식약연구소 원글보기
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