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[스크랩] Anerican Cancer Society의 대체요법에 관한 제안

by 크리에이터 정관진 2012. 7. 17.

Signs of treatments to avoid (꼭 피해야 될 조짐들)

Use the checklist below to spot treatments that might be open to question. Keep in mind that if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. If you’re not sure, talk to your doctor or nurse before moving ahead.

(어떤 사람의 말이 너무 달콤하게 들리면, 아래 체크리스트를 잘 읽어 보시고, 주치의나 간호사와 상의하십시요.)

  • Does the treatment promise a cure for all cancers?
  • (모든 암을 치료할 수 있다고 합니까?)
  • Are you told not to use recommended or standard medical treatment?
  • (병원치료가 필요없다고 합니까?)
  • Does the treatment claim to offer benefits, but no side effects?
  • (부작용도 없고, 다른 병에도 좋다고 합니까?)
  • Is the treatment or drug only offered by one person or clinic?
  • (한 곳에서만 행하는, 혼자만이 아는 비법이라고 합니까?)
  • Does the treatment require you to travel to another country?
  • (외국으로 와야한다고 합니까?)
  • Do the promoters use terms like “scientific breakthrough,” “miracle cure,” “secret ingredient,” or “ancient remedy”?
  • ('초과학적이고' '기적이고', '비방이고'. '오래된 치료법'이고...그런 용어들을 씁니까?)
  • Are you offered personal stories of amazing results, but no actual scientific evidence?
  • (과학적 증거나 자료제시 없이. 놀라운 결과를 보였다고 합니까?)
  • Do the promoters attack the medical or scientific community?
  • (현대과학이나 의학을 비방합니까?)

Again, there are some safe complementary therapies out there that can help you feel better. But there are other treatments that can hurt you. Before investing your money and time in any non-traditional medicine, please talk to your doctor about whether or not it may help you in your fight against cancer.

(다시 말하지만, 건강을 지켜줄 안전한 대체요법들은 분명히 있지만, 건강을 악화시키는 요법들도 있습니다. 비전통적인 치료법에 돈과 시간을 낭비하기 전에, 암과 제대로 된 싸움을 하기 위해서는 꼭 주치의와 상의하시기 바랍니다.)


Complementary therapy

 Some complementary therapies may help relieve certain symptoms of cancer, relieve side effects of cancer treatment, or improve a patient’s sense of well-being. Examples might include meditation to reduce stress, peppermint or ginger tea for nausea, and guided imagery to help relieve stress and pain during medical procedures. Some of the methods, such as massage therapy, relaxation, and meditation that are now called complementary have actually been referred to as supportive care in the past.

The American Cancer Society urges patients who are thinking about using any complementary or non-mainstream therapies to first discuss it with their health care team.

Integrative therapy

Integrative therapy is a term often used to describe the combined use of proven mainstream treatments and complementary methods. You may have heard the term integrative oncology. Some cancer treatment centers and clinics now offer this option for patients who might be helped by complementary methods as well as mainstream treatments.

Alternative therapy

Alternative therapy is used instead of mainstream treatment. Alternative therapies are either unproven because they have not been scientifically tested, or they have been disproved (that is, they have been tested and found not to work). They may cause the patient to suffer because they are not helpful, because they can delay the use of proven methods, or because they are actually harmful.

The American Cancer Society urges patients who are thinking about using any alternative or complementary therapy to first discuss this with their health care team.


ACS에서 말하는 바는 분명합니다.

전통적인 치료법과 함께하는 보완요법이나 통합요법(의료진과 상담은 꼭 하실 것)은 당신의 건강이나 암치료에 많은 도움을 줄 수 있지만, 과학적으로 검증되지 않은 대체요법은 치료시기를 놓치게 할 뿐 아니라, 몸에도 해로우니까 사용하지 말 것을 권고하고 있습니다.


잘 생각해 보시기 바랍니다.


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