차가버섯의 참고자료
차가버섯을 복용 하면서 동시에 기존의 병원 치료를 계속 받으셔야 차가버섯이 주는 최대의 시너지synergy[(효과.기능.작용 따위의) 협력 작용]효과를 보실 수 있습니다.
■■ 차가버섯은 오래 전부터 러시아 및 동유럽에서 항암 치료제로 사용되어 왔다.
It has been 'folk-medicine' since the Sixteenth-century, used as a remedy
against cancer and diseases of the digestive system.
In Russia, along with its well-known use against cancer,
Chaga is held in high regard as a tonic blood purifier and pain reliever.
In recent years, the perception of it as 'mysterious and magical' changed with
scientific medical literature in Russia focusing on its medicinal properties. (Hutchens)
■■ 1955년 러시아 의약청(The Russian Medical Research Council In Moscow)에서
차가버섯 추출물을 항암용 물질로 승인하여 국민들에게 복용을 권장하였다(Reid, 1976)
Following clinical studies, the fungus was recommended and approved, in 1955,
for public use in Russia against cancer by the Medical Research Council (Reid, 1976)
■■ 폴란드의 임상 실험 (Piaskowski, 1957)
A study in Poland, with 48 patients having third and fourth stage malignancies,
found Chaga injections with cobalt salts to be the most effective form of preparation.
In ten of the patients, tumours reduced in size, pain decreased, hemorrhaging occurred
less often and was less intense, and recovery was faster with improvement of
sleep and appetite. Most of these patients were women treated for cancer
of the genital organs or breast cancer. (Piaskowski, 1957)
■■ 1960년 미국 국가 암 협회에 오스트레일리아에서 차가버섯 추출물로 암 치료에 성공하였다는
사례가 보고되었다.(Hartwell, 1971)
In 1960 the United States National Cancer Institute received a report that a decoction of Chaga was used
successfully to treat cancer in Australia (Hartwell, 1971).
■■ (Reid, 1976)
Chaga relieves pain and improved patient's condition by reducing sickness and heartburn.
Taken in early stages of the disease Chaga can halt the growth of tumors, and is said to be
especially effective against stomach and lung tumors. Chaga is apparently non-toxic and has
no side effects. It is also said to be beneficial in cases of chronic gastritis and has been used
for all stomach type complaints including ulcers. (Reid, 1976)
■■ (Kahlos 1989)
Recent investigations of a closely related species, I. Radiatus, have shown that constituents
extracted from this fungus also display significant anti-tumour activity (Kahlos 1989).
Also, Inonutus Sciurinus, I. Tabacinus and I. Orientalis have shown high rates of tumour
inhibition against Ehrlich Carcinoma and Sarcoma 180.
Reid, D.A. 1976 Inonotus Obliquus in Britain, trans. BR. Mycol. Soc.
Hutchens Alma R. 1973 Indians Herbology of North America.
HOBBS, Christopher 1995 Medicinal Mushrooms an exploration of Tradition, Healing and Culture.
121-124Hartwell, J.L. 1971 Plants used against cancer Lloydia LUCAS EH 1960 Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science
Arts and Letters.
Kahlos, K. 1989 Antitumor Activity of Some Extracts and Compounds from Inonotus Radiatus; Fitoterapia Vol.60 No.2.
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